19 Apr
As a Wembley winning special treat, here is a caption competition. So please post your captions below as a comment. Make me laugh and the best three will be highlighted in the next few days on the blog. But please keep it clean!
Balotelli: Your Mum.
Ahh no, I’ve got something in my eye! Something must’ve fallen in when I tried to take off that bib…
I assume this a characteristically shocking attempt at humour from a rag, you’ve won everything for the last two decades and you still get shirty when we beat you fair and square once, talk about bitter!
i thought it was rather amusing actually. But that’s just me
Much to Mario’s amusement, Rio spurned all of Shawn’s advances.
‘you got merked’
Hi Steven, not a caption, but I’d love to know what you think to Redknapp wanting to get the Man City v Stoke league game rearranged as it could mean we would want you to win to get into the top four so we can be in Europe. I think Pulis would see the potential couple of million quid that could come from having three extra points is such a tight league as a more important target.
Also, what is that behind Van der Sar’s head? It looks like a portion of Darth Vader’s helmet.
“Oh and Rio, your daughter …. Mine.” – says SWP
Look on the bright side, what Shaun lacks in height, he makes up for it in other areas.
Your in for a good night Rio, he has a fabulous DVD collection.
Balotelli: ‘Oi Rio, don’t keep your new baby awake at night with that crying!’
“In the blink of an eye Uniteds treble hopes are gone”
Very clever!
Hey Rio, who do you think sent Susanne Ibru round..?
Ho Rio ……. I forgot to mention it was my brother in drag who has been stalking you for months!!
Balo: “hey Rio, your daughter has a real look of John Terry, you know?”
Haha brilliant!
Ballotelli: ‘Hey Rio tell ur wife I’ll be over to see her and my new born daughter on Monday
I spy with my little eye, “An arm growing out of the back of Shaun’s head?”
Hadn’t noticed that, well spotted!
“Wow! Even with one eye closed Rio, you`re still a twat”
How you doin’
Don’t worry rio your secret about the pregnant hooker stalking you and your wife is safe with me
wink wink…..
Rio I bet I can whoop your ass at kicking holes in dressing room Walls too you bandit….
Balotelli – Right got my aim sorted, now where’s my darts?
Love it!
Balo: Methinks it was a grudge baby…someone’s had it in for you!
“My face is swelling up again, must be allergic to the grass again”
It’s no good Shaun, you’ll have to strip-search him. I need my eye in for the next few weeks and I know he nicked it.
Mario learns the hard way and takes one in the eye, even people that only LOOK like camels sometimes spit too…
Go on give Shaun a kiss
Hey Rio after you kissa Shaun itsa my turn look he wants you ita musta be those wobbly lips
Would you like a big tackle from behind.
United’s treble or United’s terrible