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A Rant About Alex Ferguson: Why His Recent Comments are Utter Drivel

23 Jul

It’s started. The new season is creeping nearer and nearer, and like snowdrops on verges signalling the start of spring, Alex Ferguson’s mind games have begun, and August will soon be upon us. Add to the mix reports from his few remaining sycophants of him “looking fresh, and ready for new challenges”, and we’re good [...]

David Conn: Richer Than God – REVIEW

2 Jul

Described as an “authoritative, provocative and investigative account of Manchester City’s history”, Richer Than God is a fascinating read, telling the tale of David Conn’s support for the Blues as a child to his now distaste of “today’s moneyed, seated, global entertainment business.” Despite Conn’s evident dislike of money and its significance in the modern game, the [...]

Areas to Strengthen: Attack

25 Jun

The title-winning season is over and thoughts are already turning towards a new campaign, so what better time to assess which areas of the squad need freshening up and who might leave. Attack Having been the team who scored the most goals last season, it might seem greedy to want to strengthen the forward line, [...]

Areas to Strengthen: Wing

21 Jun

The title-winning season is over and thoughts are already turning towards a new campaign, so what better time to assess which areas of the squad need freshening up and who might leave. Wing Such is our creativity in the attacking midfield areas, it seems perhaps churlish to desire more and yet, looking at the matter [...]

Areas to Strengthen: Central Midfield

20 Jun

The title-winning season is over and thoughts are already turning towards a new campaign, so what better time to assess which areas of the squad need freshening up and who might leave. Central Midfield The change at the start of last season from a solid midfield three to a far more adventurous duo, with greater [...]

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