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Adam Johnson, James Milner and Gary Lineker in Cancer Research Campaign

28 Mar

ON 15th February 2011, football legend Gary Lineker and his actress and model wife Danielle, are asking the British public to send a message to a loved one, via a personalised video starring them both, to spot cancer early for Cancer Research UK’s ‘Do Me A Favour’ campaign – The short videos that Gary (age [...]

BALOTELLI out for a Month. Silva Doubt for Wolves Game

11 Jan

News breaking this evening is that Italian striker Mario Balotelli will be sidelined for a month as he has been told to rest his knee injury. Having missed a large part of the season earlier on, trouble has flared up in his knee again and doctors have advised him to rest. Roberto Mancini has stated that he [...]


13 Dec

I’m finding this quite tough to know what to write. As a blogger, the words should flow, painting a literary picture of what is happening, but it’s difficult to explain my feelings. At the moment, they are a mélange of confusion, disappointment and utter bewilderment, leaving me in a state of shock, combined with a [...]

MAN CITY – Best Fans in the Premier League?

13 Oct

Punctuation and grammatical correctness are highly important attributes for any budding writer to possess, so it’s with great care and a sense of reinforced purpose that I included the question mark at the end of the title of this article. A statement declaring that Man City have the best fans in the Premier League may in [...]


9 Oct

Micah Richards resembles marmite. Not a conventional opening to a blog concerning Manchester City I’m sure you’ll agree, but for a while now, I’ve been wondering what other fans of the Blues feel about the Academy graduate and his chances of fulfilling his oft-mentioned potential. Returning to that rather bizarre opening quartet of words, I’ve [...]

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