Mario Balotelli: Keep Him or Sell Him? VOTE HERE

24 Mar

Mario Balotelli is a player about whom many column inches could be, and have been, written. Goals aplenty, cards aplenty, strops aplenty and even a struggle with a bib. No-one entertains, frustrates and baffles quite like Mario. Now it’s your chance to vote on whether you think the volatile, yet supremely talented Italian is worth persevering with or whether Roberto Mancini should admit defeat and get rid. Vote in the poll and let me know your thoughts below.

8 Responses to “Mario Balotelli: Keep Him or Sell Him? VOTE HERE”

  1. Siamack 24/03/2011 at 7:07 pm #

    Some people grow up fast and for some others takes a bit longer. I believe this childish and supercilious lad would snap out of it and he should be given more time at least for another season. Haste always makes waste and we should not rush anything

    He is a very talented player and I am sure he will come good in time.

  2. Nathan.Ratcliffe 24/03/2011 at 7:16 pm #

    He’s a petulant sod and can be a liability. But he needs time to adjust. It can’t be easy for him living on his own in a alien country with a very different culture to his own at such a young age. Let’s give him one more season at least.

  3. Goatman 24/03/2011 at 7:32 pm #

    The man, yes man, he’s 20, not a boy, is a brain dead egotistical liability. A disgrace to the proud pale blue. If he stays he should be made to play in the youth team as long as he acts like a spoilt child. How on earth could Mancini take him on when he gets rid of other players that he can’t handle and get the best out of, like Bellers and the wonderful (but brain dead) Ireland?? Mancini should go with him.

  4. garry bailey 24/03/2011 at 7:43 pm #

    i can only believe that the 50% voting to keep this idiot, have got to be man united supporters

    • Siamack 24/03/2011 at 9:57 pm #

      Wayne Rooney had similar problems around the time he joined Manchester United and over time he grew up and turned to be one of best strikers. Changing managers and letting players go is not the solution when things do not go your way, not at least till a few stones are truned. Rome was not built in a day and to build a team, you need stability and patience.

  5. CitybytheBay 24/03/2011 at 9:04 pm #

    Sick of grumpy ,selfish ,ungrateful clowns like him. Doesn’t deserve to put on a blue shirt.
    Fu.k off

  6. Bring Bellamy back 24/03/2011 at 9:51 pm #

    Definitely keep. He has swagger and a style about him that is oddly endearing. I honestly think he has an immense raw talent that we can make great, great use from. I understand he is stroppy and so on but he has only been with us for such a short space of time yet. And he is still so young, only twenty! When i was twenty i was a complete moron and i am now only twenty three.
    Do not listen to the pro united media we have seen what his languid and dangerous play can do when conducted in the right way. Remember the Villa game. And United or anyone else would take him in a heartbeat.

  7. Mollie 25/07/2011 at 10:48 am #

    The Amy Winehouse of Football mario balotelli so much talent and such a waste!!!!!… What was Mario Balotelli doing? What a prat! Didn’t even look good haha ManCityManiac.

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